Feeding back for Feeding Forward: Relative Benefits of Synchronous and Asynchronous Written Corrective Feedback in EFL Writing
Lawrence Jun Zhang 張軍教授
5月29日 10:00
While the existing literature contains a plethora of studies on written corrective feedback (WCF), little attention has been paid to the timing of such a practice. To fill this gap, I report a study that adopted a quasi-experimental design to compare the effects of synchronous WCF (SWCF) and asynchronous WCF (AWCF) on Chinese tertiary EFL learners’ linguistic performance and perceptions. Three intact university English classes were recruited and assigned into three groups: SWCF group (n = 30), AWCF group (n = 30), and comparison group (n = 32). The two treatment groups received nine rounds of mid-focused direct WCF in a computer-mediated setting, while the comparison group did not receive any feedback. The results indicated that the two treatment groups improved their linguistic accuracy significantly, although the treatment did not promote syntactic complexity and fluency. Furthermore, SWCF was more effective than AWCF in enhancing accuracy. The comparison group failed to improve any dimensions of their linguistic performance. To explore the EFL learners’ perspectives on SWCF and AWCF, we conducted semi-structured interviews with the two treatment groups, showing that learners generally had positive perceptions about the two types of WCF. I will conclude the presentation with some important implications for pedagogy.
Lawrence Jun Zhang, PhD, is a past Post-doctoral Fellow at the Department of Education, Oxford University. He is now Professor of Applied Linguistics/TESOL and Associate Dean of the Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Auckland, New Zealand. His major interests are in learner metacognition, the psychology of language learning and teaching, and teacher education, with particular reference to EFL reading/writing and ESP/EAP. He has published extensively along these lines in leading international journals, including Applied Linguistics, Modern Language Journal, SSLA, TESOL Quarterly, among others. He was the sole recipient of the “Distinguished Research in TESOL Award” in 2011 for his article, “A dynamic metacognitive systems perspective on Chinese university EFL readers”, published in TESOL Quarterly, 44(2). He is currently Co-Editor-in-Chief of System, serving on the editorial boards of seven international journals. In 2016 he was honoured with the recognition by the TESOL International Association (USA) with the award of “50@50”, which acknowledged “50 Outstanding Leaders” around the globe in the profession of TESOL at TESOL’s 50th anniversary celebration in Baltimore, Maryland. In November 2016, he was successfully elected to the International TESOL Association’s Board of Directors. In the Stanford University Rankings 2022 and 2023, he was listed in the top 2% of Scientists in the World in the disciplinary areas of Linguistics/Applied Linguistics.
Lawrence Jun Zhang(張軍)博士: 現任新西蘭奧克蘭大學教育學部副部長👉🏻、應用語言學正教授、博士生導師💱、2014年獲頒奧克蘭大學優秀博士生導師獎♠︎,2016年當選總部位於美國的世界英語教師協會(TESOL)全球領軍學者之一(TESOL’s50@50)。現兼任太原理工大學榮譽教授📲、“山西百人”專家、西北師範大學、西安交通大學、東南大學、哈爾濱工業大學、電子科技大學🧑🏽🦱、東北師範大學客座教授。曾任吉林省“長白山學者”講座教授(吉林大學)💆🏼、湖北省 “楚天學者”講座教授(華中科技大學)。2012-2019年間任SSCI國際期刊TESOL Quarterly的常任欄目主編,現任Elsevier出版社SSCI一區國際期刊System的聯合主編📫。另擔任包括頂級期刊Applied Linguistics, Language Learning, TESOL Quarterly, Language Teaching, Language Teaching Research和Modern Language Journal在內的28家SSCI期刊論文特邀評閱人;SSCI期刊Applied Linguistics Review, Journal of Second Language Writing, RELC Journal, Metacognition and Learning等16家國際期刊編委➗,Routledge, Springer, Multilingual Matters等6家國際出版社書稿審閱人。發表論文🚍🧎🏻♂️、書評、章節近200篇,其中在SSCI期刊150篇、指導42名應用語言學博士畢業。2022及2023連續兩年入選斯坦福大學全球學術影響力前2%語言學/語言教育類研究學者名錄。美國TESOL國際學會2011年度“最佳科研論文獎”唯一得主;美國應用語言學學會 “優秀論文獎評選委員會”副主任(2015-2018);TESOL國際學會理事會常任理事(2017-2020)。主持新加坡教育部重大科研項目一項($22萬新元/約110萬人民幣)、加拿大社會科學與人文科學研究基金會年度基金項目👩🦽、新加坡教育部屬下國家教育學院教育研究院、香港特區政府年度科研基金項目以及荷蘭社會科學教育研究基金特邀評審。曾任新加坡應用語言學學會常務理事、秘書長(2005-2012)、TESOL國際學會遴選提名委員會委員❔。受TESOL國際學會總部的委任擔任TESOL Quarterly學刊主編遴選委員會主席(2016-2017)。2022及 2023連續兩年入選Elsevier-斯坦福大學語言學及語言教育研究學科前2%被高引學者學者🪤。現任中國英語寫作教學與研究專業委員會副會長🤦🏼♀️,中國學術英語教學研究會常務理事,美國應用語言學(AAAL)學會會員🤽🏻♀️,國際英語教師協會(TESOL)會員,新西蘭應用語言學學會會員、常務理事、秘書長,以及歐洲學術寫作教學研究會會員。研究興趣包括英語二語讀寫發展🤳🏿🖕🏿、學術英語寫作等。
編輯 | 王媛
審核 | 王雪梅